Hello ! Great work guys . Can I ask you to fix the crack for the releas of Oa . The crack for 8.5 b14 worked great , but when I use it for the new version I can't use the advanced features .
hello need help with patch. I am posting here because I could not find a place to contact you. Thanks for the patch but now when I press play I get a bad elk/ corrupted foo error and mixcraft shuts down. I am able to mixdown record and the rest of the program seems to work just not the play button. Please help. Thanks
posted by Mike Mr. MikefromUnited Stateson 20.03.11 04:06
Hello, I have your excellent patch for Vea69), but does not work with Vista x64. When I tried to use with WXP 32 bit, the audio plug-ins is switching to DEMO. Can you help me fix the problem?
posted by Jiri fromCzech Republicon 17.03.11 14:08
Gran labor la que realizais, os felicitó por la página y el buen gusto en elegir los programas para crackear. Aunque la sección que más me gusta es los tutoriales, espero que nos deleitéis pronto con un nuevo tutorial. Saludos.
hey guys ur the greatest hacking website in all over the internet, u really helped me out with mixcraft 5 crack, thanx alot guys .. keep up the good work :)
posted by Kid Gangsta fromUnited Stateson 01.03.11 15:28