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hi please activate my account plss
Best Regards 
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posted by SanaXMoMo SanaXMomo from Philippines on 31.07.16 01:47

Спасибо за Ваш полезный сайт! Благодаря Вам до сих пор пользуюсь уникальной программой DP5.
Thak you for Your useful site!
Thanks to You still use program DP5. wink
0 0
posted by B0XA from Russia on 29.07.16 00:43

Dear Sir/Madam
Please active my account. many thanks to MPT team
Best Regards
0 0
posted by Jie Tey from Malaysia on 27.07.16 17:16

ya hooooho! Thankyou you are the best I kneel at your feet in worship of you greatness!!!! FLACK to MP3 IS WoRkInG...... yeeeehaa I Lub this Place as soon as I'm approved I'm gonna figure out what it is all folk from all over the world do here... I swear... LOVE IT>>> Jennga xx
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posted by jennga davis from Australia on 27.07.16 11:31

 Oh "crikey" what have I done? first time user to get
crack for avs 7.0 I had the latest one but a hard core Trojan destroyed that one. awaiting registration approval, I hope this happens sooner rather than later. The damn feds took "Kickass Torrents" down again, so so sad that was/is? a great site.... So here I am I guess I found you guys by default???? hmmmm  I feel like I've stepped into some space age s**t, I'm quite sure most of which is above my pay grade lol. that's ok too I guess I can just look at the pictures and keep my hands in my pockets!. Ha Ha Ha He... yep I'm a newb... do they still use that term??? But I do feel strangely happy & good in here, is that weird? So "HELLO" from OZ that's "down under" lots of Love here's some XXXXXxxxx's to offer to the all knowing and powerful one whom has the answers to the conversion of the "FLACK" to "MP3"... dun dun dun dada!!!!! in return all I have to offer is this gem of life advice," If you get hungry, eat something. If you get thirsty drink something & If you get tired go have a sleep"... do these three things and all should be fine.... Thanks for the pending help!! fingers crossed. oh and if anyone feels as if they want to email me please do, I don't know who reads the guest book if anyone at all. I am a newb, I am a girl, (a cute one I think!) davisjennifer688@gmail.com    Sweet azzzz bye for now..  Lub ya all  if I can covert my FLACK files  oh I beg of you!!! lol.  Jennga   xxo (Jennifer)            

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posted by jennga dsvis from Australia on 27.07.16 11:18

please activate my account registered with above email.
user name : tmreddy
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posted by mallikharjuna from India on 26.07.16 23:27

ciao a tutti :)
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posted by Tamarro1988 Sovrano from Italy on 24.07.16 05:29

ciauz spero di trovarmi bene con voi
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posted by Tamarro Sovrano from Italy on 24.07.16 05:22

Hi! Been using your cracks for years: they always do the job.
Best regards from London.
Waiting for approval...
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posted by CrVMo from United Kingdom on 21.07.16 13:22

Great Site ....  Waiting on Admin approval Thanks
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posted by rolowe Lowe from United States on 17.07.16 12:42

Mr_Fur Waiting for approval ...-......|.../...-......|.../...-
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posted by Mr_Fur from United States on 15.07.16 02:26

HI  could you activate my account
Greetings from Sicily
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posted by sdrake80 from Italy on 15.07.16 01:05

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posted by Frank Leben Leben from Australia on 07.07.16 07:00

je suis là coucou
0 0
posted by pieeer from Guatemala on 06.07.16 07:36

Merci pour service rendu
4 1
posted by Richard rilu from Canada on 05.07.16 05:37

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